[Board] Notes from today's meeting

Keith Bierman khbkhb at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 22:45:22 EDT 2014

Sorry, bad form to reply to oneself. But I neglected the subscription page:

I have set "moderation" on, this is not intended to be a discussion alias
... just a notification one.

Keith Bierman
khbkhb at gmail.com
kbiermank AIM
303 997 2749

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:39 PM, Keith Bierman <khbkhb at gmail.com> wrote:

> I know Darcy was going to send out a notice, and not having received it I
> thought I should send a test message. However, instead of wasting
> everyone's time with an empty message, here's my notes from the meeting for
> whatever they are worth.
>    1. Geoff, Darcy and I were in attendance. Lacking a quorum we would
>    have just decamped, but we had a member of the public who wished to speak,
>    and it seemed appropriate to listen. Alan Levin was kind enough to share
>    some thoughts with us (I've taken the liberty of editing for length and
>    reordering, and have copied Alan to ensure I caught the gist of his
>    remarks).
>    2. I pointed out that the reason we created chnorthmetro.us aliases
>    (especially the "board at chnorthmetro.us" alias) was to ensure that
>    discussion was archived (and so to keep our private email private in the
>    event of Open Records requests). Our last discussion about this meeting
>    was inadvertently not sent to the alias, and not archived. We should try to
>    make sure to retrain our fingers to use the alias!
>    3. Darcy pointed out we have some time pressure regarding the "audit
>    exemption" and payment to the County for election fees. As such, we were
>    planning to try to hold the meeting next Thursday. It was noted that as
>    long as there was a physical plurality at the meeting, that a speakerphone
>    could be used to complete a quorum. While not a good practice to plan on,
>    we should pool our cellphone numbers so that in the event of an urgency
>    such as this mornings session, we might be able to complete the critical
>    action items.
> My notes of Alan's remarks
>    1. Alan has a sewer blockage, and there seems to be considerable
>    confusion about where his pipe runs (the City sent him to Hillcrest, etc.).
>    Darcy was kind enough to take the matter offline and will try to set him up
>    with our Engineer.
>       1. This led to a discussion of the maintenance videos, and popcorn
>       for the HOA annual meeting. In a less jocular vein, it does beg a couple of
>       questions:
>          1. The segments that are most problematic from the "main" side,
>          have we notified the upstream residents that they may wish to have an
>          accelerated cleaning from their side?
>          2. Would it be cheaper for residents if this work were to be
>          done at the same time as the main work? If so, can we facilitate
>          communication between the maintenance team and the residents?
>       2. Alan commented that it is a very nice neighborhood, and to his
>       knowledge, values are increasing, and sales are often less than a week. He
>       referenced a recently(?) retired friend who evaluated neighborhoods for
>       some government organization.
>       3. Alan commented that he (and the HOA board) were planning to work
>       to help us pass relevant legislation so that the District could take over
>       the signs. He reported that there remains significant uncertainty about
>       what sign ownership does to/for the HOA with respect to CCIOA (which the
>       HOA would like to avoid being subject to).
>          1. Note: Other residents have commented to me that if it were
>          cheaper, they'd prefer the District merge with another (others have pointed
>          out "merging" isn't really the right legal term for the usual transfer). If
>          the payback period were 10 years or less, this might be compelling to the
>          community. However, taking ownership of the signs would probably make such
>          transfers more difficult because the only logical Districts to take things
>          over are limited to Sanitation (or Water and Sanitation).
> A possible topic for future agenda(s), should we record the meetings?
> Board members who cannot be physically present may wish more detail than
> makes Minutes; also there may be Residents who cannot make the 7:30AM time.
> Due to space constraints, I'd suggest that if we do regularly record, that
> we formally adopt a policy about keeping only the last meeting recording up.
> A note for Alan (if you have read this far). Please ask the HOA board to
> authorize the District to use the HOA email list (either the de facto one
> from the 5A discussion last election, or some formal alias the HOA has set
> up on some server). We have an (empty) "interest" list which is the natural
> mechanism to "push" notifications of meetings and agenda's .. but there
> isn't a good way to advertise its existence to the community until the
> upcoming joint HOA/District meeting. But it seems to me that the HOA Board
> may well have some interest in joining early. Pass the word.
> Keith Bierman
> khbkhb at gmail.com
> kbiermank AIM
> 303 997 2749
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